
man belongs to earth

Here is a link to one of my films

Animation made in traditional technic (pencil on paper) and computer montage. Animation is about problems with global warming, and its reasons. Film is made in convetion of social commercial with purpose to show problems to spectator. Film was presented at national and international festivals. Here are some prizes and screenings:
Multimedia Awards 2009, Quality Seal Award, ICNM - International Center for New Media, Salzburg, Austria
Grand Prix Ecology Film Festival "Żywiec bez czadu", Żywiec, Poland, 2009
Cool stories for when the planet gets hot III (2011), screenings in Switzerland, USA, Spain
Experimental film festival, ‘Letters From the Sky’, part of the COPART Cultural Action 2011, South Africa

Tym razem nie zdjęcie, a link  do jednego z moich filmów. Animacja wykonana w tradycyjnej technice opowiada o problemach związanych z globalnym ociepleniem. Zdobył kilka nagród i pokazywany był na festiwalach zarówno krajowych jak i zagranicznych

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